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U.S. military

The Vital Connection Between School Performance, Regional Economic Success and National Security

The U.S. military takes into consideration the quality of local public schools as it decides whether to maintain military commands and offices where they are or move them elsewhere. This provides communities with another big reason to focus on improving schools, because the economic impact of any single military installation can be enormous.

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Battelle is Key to the Nation’s Biodefenses

In biodefense, there is no more powerful a statement than the first words of the new National Biodefense Strategy: “It is a vital interest of the United States to manage the risk of biological incidents, whether naturally occurring, accidental or deliberate.”

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Counter-Drone Legislation Needs a Major Overhaul

Pressure is mounting in Congress to update legislation that guides the use of defensive systems that protect against aerial drones. At present, the legislative framework underpinning the use of these systems needs major revision because it was formulated at a time before the widespread proliferation of drone technology.

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Washington’s Support for Defense-Critical Semiconductors Won’t Fix What Ails Industry

The semiconductor industry is enjoying a rare moment in the sun. Thanks to supply shortages and the U.S. government’s belated realization of the role semiconductors play in weapons systems and elsewhere, congressional leaders and the Biden administration are committing taxpayers to spending billions on domestic chip factories. It’s been a long time coming.

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