Arming Poland Faster is Critical to U.S. Interests, NATO’s Security
Among Poland’s weapons purchases, nothing is more likely to prevent Russia from invading NATO Europe than the M1 tank – arguably the West’s apex ground combat predator.
Among Poland’s weapons purchases, nothing is more likely to prevent Russia from invading NATO Europe than the M1 tank – arguably the West’s apex ground combat predator.
Recent elections in Iran starkly underscore the systemic and deep-seated issues plaguing the Islamic Republic’s political system, highlighting the undeniable truth that elections in Iran are fundamentally neither free nor fair.
The capability of the Chinese cyber actors has grown, and the last couple of years have taught us that countries with adversarial interests are willing to change their strategy and deploy aggressive actions.
The lowering of educational standards for Navy recruits adds fuel to a national effort that would provide state-level educators with Defense Department data that could help address the recruiting crisis.
Congress and key agencies in the executive branch and not doing enough to support defense innovation. More can and should be done – or else our efforts to deter conflict will ring hollow, and we will risk failure in the battlespace.
Recent advances in artificial intelligence technologies are prompting a growing number of experts to raise the alarm about the capabilities of so-called generative AI to lock us inside blinding illusions that erode democracy.
The Navy has struggled over the past quarter century to implement changes in a challenging budget environment. The evidence of struggle is clear.
It is imperative to keep the F-35 one step ahead of any potential threats. This includes performing necessary updates, such as engine upgrades.
Disorienting weapons that operate at the speed of light or speed of sound – such as laser dazzlers or long-range acoustic hailers—can be valuable complements to more lethal systems that are less responsive. Moreover, intense, unexpected stimuli can unnerve military personnel in ways that cause them to flee the battlefield.
Given the unpopularity of the Ukraine War, and the attempted revolt/protest of Wagner group Russian mercenaries, could the Black Sea Fleet by ripe for another grand and embarrassing naval mutiny?