Electronic Records Contract at the VA Demands Greater Scrutiny
Prioritizing an effective electronic health records system is central to protecting veterans and ensuring they receive the care they have earned.
Prioritizing an effective electronic health records system is central to protecting veterans and ensuring they receive the care they have earned.
The advent of a new medical records-keeping system for veterans might sound like a minor, logistical turn of the screw. Far from it. It will change lives and it could save many.
Congress instructed the Department of Defense to assess the risks to its pharmaceutical supply chain. But the department’s choice of vendors —Valisure Laboratories— has raised eyebrows in the legal and public health communities.
The next Navy secretary should create a group of upwardly mobile Navy, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine captains and Marine Corps colonels to experiment with new concepts of naval strategy and operations. The increasing tensions with China demand it.
It’s now almost impossible to imagine a time in Air Force Special Operations without the CV-22 Osprey. The Osprey has been at the forefront of the toughest missions since its first combat deployment in 2009.
Americans face a pivotal choice at the ballot box that will shape the future of our nation’s veterans.
Military readiness is much more than the effective training of forces for deployment. As one community in central Missouri demonstrates, it includes ensuring that military-connected children have an excellent public school experience, giving their parents peace of mind that a career in the military doesn’t have to mean sacrificing a child’s education.
The VA’s Office of Patient Advocacy is a huge and complex system that can be difficult for veterans to navigate. It is tough for staff to respond to each and every veteran. Hence the need for more advocates.
The data will offer a new and much-needed lens for high schoolers and their parents on what a career in the military could mean – financially and in potential career skills and upward workforce mobility.
Beyond the visible wounds, the impact of two decades of war is greatest on the brain.