Bullying Allies is No Way to Conduct Foreign Policy
Provoking conflicts with friends and disrespecting leaders of close allies like Canada is no way to conduct foreign policy.
Provoking conflicts with friends and disrespecting leaders of close allies like Canada is no way to conduct foreign policy.
Now that Donald Trump has won a second term, the Alabama congressional delegation is already lobbying to have the U.S. Space Command headquarters moved from Colorado Springs in Colorado to Huntsville, Alabama. That would be an unnecessary, expensive and disruptive move.
Here are a set of top priorities the new Trump administration should consider for the first 100 days in the Department of Defense.
Until and unless the Russians understand that they can’t win militarily, a negotiated settlement is not an option.
It’s long past time for the Senate to act to end the wrongheaded actions of one person, and if it fails to act then it is complicit in his damaging actions.
Ukraine with Western support is winning, and it is only a matter of time before the Russian military is driven back into Russia. There are powerful signs of pending Russian defeat and the success of U.S. grand strategy.
It is the height of arrogance to think the U.S. has a mandate to tell other societies how they should be organized and governed. American arrogance and hubris led us to pursue policies in three wars that never had a chance of success.
China has serious domestic issues and simple portrayals of it as an overwhelming force are misleading and cause many to overlook China’s many weaknesses. We have real issues we must resolve with China, but there is no need to rush towards war.
It is more stabilizing and better for national security that Congress is skeptical about where U.S. space leadership and space policy are headed. Let’s hope the responsible oversight demonstrated in the annual defense bill continues.
We are in a street fight with a bully, and if we back down because of threats, Russia and others will continue to use them to extort what they want in the future.