Restoring the U.S. Advantage in Satellite Navigation
The United States has ceded its leadership position in space-based positioning, navigation and timing, with stark ramifications for most all U.S. critical infrastructures and the U.S. military.
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The United States has ceded its leadership position in space-based positioning, navigation and timing, with stark ramifications for most all U.S. critical infrastructures and the U.S. military.
The U.S. must conduct aggressive on hypersonic and counter-hypersonic weapons, especially since adversaries have adopted precisely this mindset. A risk-averse mentality that demurs on military
Justin Sanchez • December 1, 2024
The future of United States industrial growth, a key component of national security, rests in the establishment of biotechnology as a new pillar of industrial domestic manufacturing. Fortunately the opportunity exists to develop the science, infrastructure and workforce to do this.
The Purple Star School Program, a successful state-sponsored effort that military families rely on when moving from one installation to another and that also plays an important role by bolstering military readiness, needs an upgrade.
The Navy has had long-established conventions for naming ships. But the Navy has increasingly named warships for living people, including political figures, which has become a divisive issue. The next Navy secretary needs to get control of the dysfunctional naming process and restore a sense of order.
The escalating frequency and intensity of wildfires demands something new to combat them — a wholesale embrace of the most powerful technology available: military-grade artificial intelligence.
With the looming prospect of war with China in the near future, it’s time to focus on what the U.S. Navy’s Littoral Combat Ships can do for the Navy and Marine Corps.
Now that Donald Trump has won a second term, the Alabama congressional delegation is already lobbying to have the U.S. Space Command headquarters moved from Colorado Springs in Colorado to Huntsville, Alabama. That would be an unnecessary, expensive and disruptive move.
Taiwan should speed up adoption of a “porcupine” approach to its own defense, enabling it to inflict substantial damage to any invasion force through development of asymmetrical capabilities.
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